Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding

What does Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding look like at the Coastal Together Federation?

At the Coastal Together Federation we aim for our children to know where they fit as an individual and as a collective both in time and place in the world. We aim for the children to be curious about the world around them by asking questions to further their understanding. During a child's time at one of the Coastal Together Federation's schools they are taught explicit historical and geographical skills through overarching themes and topics.

How do we teach and enhance children's knowledge in Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding?

From Reception through to year 6, history and geography are centred around key concepts and questions. We use a range of teaching and learning strategies to develop children's knowledge and skills which include: high quality texts, trips, visitors, artefacts, assemblies and independent research. For each topic we issue knowledge organisers and vocabulary to encourage discussions at home. Homework is topic based to reinforce the learning and strengthen home-school links. We celebrate children's learning and achievement thorough class assemblies, 'showcase' events, the school website and social media.

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How do we ensure coverage and progression in Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding?

As a federation we have carefully matched skills and knowledge from the national curriculum to relevant topics and year groups. This ensures clear curriculum coverage and ensures children's knowledge and skills are built upon each year allowing them to transfer prior learning. By the end of each key stage, our pupils are expected to know, apply and understand the matters, skills and processes specified in the relevant programme of study.

What is the impact of Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding at the Coastal Together Federation?

By the end of their time at the Coastal Together Federation, children will have developed a clear understanding of their responsibility to respect the past, the present and the future of the natural and manmade world in relation to locations, individuals and events.

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Knowledge Organisers

Knowledge organisers are a summary of the key facts and essential knowledge that our children need about a unit of work or a curriculum subject. Our knowledge organisers cover two pages which includes carefully broken down information into easily digestible chunks. These two pages are important in order to focus the minds of not only our children but the teachers creating them so they only include what's absolutely crucial.

Knowledge organisers can be used for any subject including history and geography. Pupils will review, revise and quiz themselves using their knowledge organisers in class and at home. Knowledge organisers can also be a really clear and easy to understand way for parents to be more aware of what their children are learning at school and thus to support them.


Curriculum Homework Projects

In order for us to enhance our children's knowledge and skills at home, we provide them with termly homework projects.These homework projects allow our children to engage with the curriculum at home and produce high quality work which strengthens their understanding.

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Coastal Together

F e d e r a t i o n   o f  S c h o o l s

Instil   |   Understand   |   Learn   |   Become